Deer Hunt Drawing Single Tickets
The Trophy Deer Hunt drawing will begin Friday, June 28, 2024 and end on July 23rd at 11:59PM. Winner drawn on July 25th at 2:00PM.
Your annual chance to hunt Bucks at Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill! The Trophy Deer Hunt drawing will begin on June 26, 2024, and end on July 23rd at 11:59PM. On July 25th there will be a live drawing at 2:00 pm EST at the Louisville location KYGUNCO store,2301 Nelson Miller Parkway, Louisville, KY 40223. You do not need to be present to win. The winner will receive a phone call from us. The drawing will be recorded and uploaded to our Facebook page immediately upon conclusion.
For the winner: BONUS 2024 Special Commission Buck Tag, plus Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill will provide a three-day guided hunt with a two-night stay at Shaker Village’s Inn for two people and meals for two people for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for three days. AND a Ruger American Gen II 308 Rifle donated by our sponsor, KYGUNCO!
Purchase $200 worth of tickets and receive a signed and numbered Rick Hill print, “Redstart Over the Rockcastle”, of an American Redstart. (First come, first served! Limited availability)